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Nordic skates and Rollerski

Here you will find Nordic Inline Skates. The new sport is a growing stronger. The Nordic skates can run the sport of Nordic skating and cross-drive over dirt roads and fields. An up and coming sport of roller ski endurance sports. There are already several decades and it is primarily used as summer training by cross country skiers. The device itself consists of a sports bar, which is usually made ??of aluminum and two or four wheels. The rollers can be very different. Here, the width varies from 20 to about 70 mm.
The range of application of this sport are mostly smooth road surfaces. But there are already models that can be used in forestry and forest roads. These are then called off-road roller ski or cross-roller skis. The tires usually consist of rubber or are filled with air.

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Nordic Cross

Experience a whole new sense of flexibility and mobility with the new Nordic Skates. The new sport Nordic Cross-skating is to drive, not least because of the unlimited possibilities of dirt roads and fields can be carried. The whole fun of course, the air of the rollers, which roll over rocks and bumps general quite loose and easily away. Add to that now used nordic poles, one has the whole body in use. A fun sport to keep fit while having a lot of fun.